Wednesday, July 29, 2015

"...Ummm hi?"

Today in Moncton I was determined to run far and run fast. My mom and I have been doing a 100 km running challenge, first to 100 km wins! I was zooming fast down the streets when a rugged old man reached out to me.  He had a long white beard, and was rolling a shopping cart around with him. He started talking to me. I sighed, "I really just wanted to have one good run without having to stop!"   I had no idea what he was saying. "...Ummm hi?" I greeted him, shrugging because he was still spitting out gibberish at me. He continued talking in what seemed to be an entirely different language (not french either). This is when I used my running app to my advantage. I pointed down to my phone to say "I'm in a race" and sprinted off as fast as I could to get as far away as quick as possible.  One of these days I hope to go for a run in peace, without being stopped by anyone, and beat my (very slow) speed record.

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