Monday, June 15, 2015

Glum Chum

Today in Moncton it was a very hot and happy summery-feeling kind of day. I started out for my daily 3.5 km run. The sun was high in the sky, the birds were chirping, and the fragrant smells of the newly blossomed flowers were strong in the air. I had made it almost my whole run without being approached by anyone and I was feeling great! As I was rounding my last corner, onto the last street before making it home, a wall of darkness aproached. A few feet infront of me was a very large and grumpy looking man. He was fully bald, wearing shorts, and an old t-shirt with sweat soaking out of the armpits. He came to a full stop as I started to run past him. I smiled and tried to quickly run by, but a very low and a very grumpy "hello" emerged from within him. "Hi" I replied, and hoped that would be the end of it (By this time it's just super awkward because I've already run past him.) "How are you?" he said slowly in the glummest tone I've ever heard. I had to turn around and stop running at this point to reply "Good, How are you?" "GOOD" he said agressively with a large sigh. This was my chance to make a run for it, so I did just that, turned around and ran, all the way back to my apartment without looking back!

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