Sunday, June 14, 2015

"I'm not a bum or anything"

Today in Moncton my roommate Maddy and I had an orientation day for the college we are going to in September. It's about a 20 minute walk from our apartment. On the walk home from orientation we decided to stop at the local "Needs" store to buy some ice creams. On the way inside a rugged man approached us. He wore ripped clothes, and his face was sweaty and dirty. "Excuse me, I'm not a bum or anything..." I looked down to see what he was carrying behind him, it seemed like he was carrying everything he owned in a big blanket tossed over his solder. "...I'm not a bum or anything, but would you be able to spare a few toonies, I have a job, I just need some money for the bus." I never carry any change with me, so I always have to say no, but at least he was pretty nice about it ("bum" or not). Maddy said she didn't have anything to give either, he started to walk away, but she remembered she did have a few loonies and gave them to him. He said thank you and continued on his way - wherever he was going. Living on the streets or not, he was one of the more pleasant people to have approached us so far.

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