Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Today in Moncton the craziest thing I have ever witnessed with my own two eyes happened. I'm still shaking. I should have taken a picture for my blog, but everything happened very fast. I was almost finished my run for the day, two minutes away from home. On the street running perpendicular to the street that I was on, there was a man riding a bike. I'm going to describe this man to you as "Hobo drunk guy on a bike." He had long scruffy hair, he was wearing old dirty clothes, and he was swerving all over the road, sccreaming and hollering on his bike. There was a red light at the intersection on the street that he was on, with heavy fast flowing traffic going through the intersection on the road I was on. He was so out of his mind, yelling gibberish, he flew right through the red light. A blue car going through the intersection obviously wasn't expecting a crazy hobo drunk guy on a bike to come flying out infront of them, and WAILS into the crazy hobo drunk guy. I heard the crack of his leg, and the sound of metal scraping metal as the crazy hobo drunk guy flew through the air and landed with his bike on top of him. The person in the blue car pulled over, along with several other cars, and got out to see if he was okay. He was screaming and hollering in pain, but he was screaming before he got hit too so who knows. I didn't feel bad for the guy, it wasn't even an accident, he was clearly asking for it. I was so close to being home, I had almost made it a full day without anything weird happening, I just couldn't handle it, so I turned around and decided to walk the long way home (another 15 minutes). I called my mom to tell her what I had just seen, because I was extremely shaken over the whole thing. An ambulance went by as I walked in the opposite direction, and eventually I made it home. I still can't believe I got to see the whole fiasco take place. I watch these kinds of things on Youtube all the time, but I never would have guessed I'd see something like this from start to finish in real life! Some people are really, really dumb.

(without the helmet)

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