Saturday, June 13, 2015

Trade shirts with me?

Today in Moncton Cole and I were at the park (I really don't know why we still go there.) We were sitting on our usual bench just relaxing after walking around a bit. A guy in his 20's walks by and yells over "you guys are cute by the way!" I awkwardly gave a thumbs up back to him. We laughed about it for a few minutes and made fun of it for a while when another guy (maybe the same guy, I didn't really get a good look the first time) starts slowly inching his way towards us. He seemed a little off. His lip was cut in the middle, dripping blood. He walked right up to us sitting on our bench, and said "Do you have any phones for sale?" WHAT? Of course we don't... What is this guy talking about? I get really nervous in these situations so Cole always handles it. Cole told the guy we weren't selling our phones. "What about your shirt? Can we trade shirts? Trade shirts with me." The guy pointed to Cole's 'East Coast Lifestyle" shirt that I had bought him. He told us his shirt was really cool, it had a bandanna sewn into the inside of it, and he made sure we knew it, he lifted his shirt up to show us the inside.  I was getting really uncomfortable, Cole kept telling him no, and the guy pulled a 50 dollar bill out of his pants pocket and showed it to us. Cole told him the shirt was a gift and he wouldn't give it to him. The conversation quickly came to and end, "I shouldn't be here" he said, and off he ran. We could not figure out what his deal was....was he running from someone? Was that some kind of code for 'Do you have drugs?' I guess we'll never know, and I don't think I really want to.

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