Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Wheelchair Club

Today in Moncton I was out for one of the longest runs I've been on yet. Instead of turning onto the usual street that connects to the street that my apartment is on, I decided to push it a little further and go all the way down town to Main street. Because this was my first time on this stretch of the road I didn't know what to expect. I hadn't come across anything strange in a while..."this can't be right!?" I thought to myself, "no weird sightings in Moncton today?!"  I slowed to a fast pace walk as I neared what seemed to be just another normal apartment building on the side of the road. In the courtyard however, there was a circle of people all in wheelchairs (who were also mentally disabled) crowding around a small radio playing some tunes. "Thats more like it" I thought as I watched a girl in her wheelchair spin up to a boy in his wheelchair, (who didn't quite seem to understand what was going on) grab his face, and start to kiss him! It continued on for several moments, (several too many momemts) the girl kissing the boy sloppily, and the five or so others in the wheelchair circle just staring blankly, watching them. It was a very odd visual for me to take in all at once. Three or Four of the people who were sitting in the wheelchair circle were elderly, the others middle aged, and then the two younger wheelchair lovers. It was one of the stranger things I've seen as of yet in Moncton. I will treasure my days here forever.

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